Elevate Your Financial Health: Monetize Your Lifestyle
Welcome to the Vibrant Living with Nousha blog. I’m Nousha, super excited to be on this journey of learning, growth and healing with you. This blog is designed to inspire, educate and encourage you or someone you know to live a more vibrant, fulfilling life.
In the January 2017 blog I share the five pillars of optimum health and how we need to nourish, protect and renew each pillar so they can work harmoniously to create optimum health. Today, I’ll dive deeper into the pillar of our financial health and provide more awareness and understanding of an opportunity to connect your lifestyle including all the things you love to do, with a 178 Billion dollar industry, creating the foundation for a more vibrant, fulfilling life.
Do you share products and services you love with friends, family and your community? Do you ask your friends, family and community about product and service recommendations? If you answered yes to either of the above, you are practicing one or two of the skills, being an educator and a connector, important in this 178 Billion dollar industry.
Before I share what this industry is, let’s get a sense of how big a 178 Billion dollar industry really is…
- NFL – 9.5 Billion dollar industry
- Video Gaming – 76 Billion dollar industry
- Movie Industry – 88 Billion dollar industry
- Natural Foods – 90 Billion dollar industry
This industry is bigger than the NFL and Video Gaming industries combined! What is it? It’s the Network Marketing Industry also known as the Direct Selling Industry. Simply put, it’s an industry where goods and services are sold directly from the manufacturer to the customer eliminating the middle man and any advertising costs that can cause a product or service to have high margins and the price to go up. Instead, in the Direct Selling model, awareness and understanding about these goods and services is created by word of mouth (the most powerful form of advertising!) through customers who have had positive experiences. This business model, eliminates any extra layers of distribution which keeps the price of the product or service fair while offering high quality.
If a customer chooses to become a product or service ambassador they have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of those that are looking for that particular good or service by sharing their particular experience, educating them about it and then connecting them to the product or service. It’s a win-win-win proposition for the company manufacturing the product, the person sharing with anyone who is looking for such a product or service and the customer. The customer more often than not, receives excellent service, learns about the goods and services they are purchasing and often receive a higher quality product, at a fair price. The industry is brilliant and many, many companies today are adopting this “Business of the 21st Century” business model; it makes great business sense and creates win-win-win.
This industry is now very “hot” among Millennial’s, Generation Y, Generation X and Baby Boomers alike; with inflation driving up the cost of living “a good life” all generations are being forced to either shrink their dreams or find other ways to generate income and have multiple streams of income. The Direct Selling industry has become a viable and credible profession; throughout the world, there are approximately 90 million network marketing distributors.
About 3 percent of all networkers will make more than $35,000 a year; 2 percent will make more than $50,000; 0.5 percent will make more than $100,000 annually; and about 0.1 percent will make more than $150,000. Approximately 66 percent of distributors are between the ages of 25 and 44,. Another 14 percent fall into the 45-54 age bracket. Seniors over the age of 65 account for about 5 percent of direct sellers. Over two-thirds of all network marketers have high school degrees or some college education, and 25 percent have a college degree or beyond.
For those that choose to be in the Top 3 percent, the benefits are numerous, below are the top seven I’ve personally experienced being in this elite group.
- Opportunity to be a contribution not just locally, but nationally and internationally (I love to travel to amazing places!).
- Opportunity to create unlimited wealth with no ceiling on your earning potential (The sky is not my limit, I am ;).
- Opportunity to build character and grow into your best self (Truly a beautiful, never ending journey!).
- Opportunity to own an international, portable business that can be run from anywhere, anytime and often in conversations doing things you love with people who are looking for a particular product or service (So much fun!).
- Opportunity to consume products you love, share with those you love who are looking for these products and in the process eventually get your products paid for and more! (I love saving and earning mone
y and this is, one big, perk!)
- Opportunity to create a life you absolutely love, all on your own terms (no waking up to an alarm clock, if I don’t want to!).
- Opportunity to learn and play with an amazing community of people who are positive, vibrant, fulfilled, believe in dreams and dreaming and are making their dreams come true one step at a time. (Feeling blessed to be part of such a group of amazing souls – did I mention I got to meet Tony Robbins and Richard Branson in person?? Yes! 🙂 Thanks to this amazing industry, the possibilities are endless!).
If your passion is to elevate health on the planet starting with your own, your family and friends then you have an opportunity to join our movement, simply visit www.teamlivinglegacy.com; take a look and if you are inspired by what you see, get in touch and let’s start a conversation.
If you have read this far, you are intrigued by ways to monetize your lifestyle and deepen your awareness and understanding about this topic; I invite you to explore the three books below which can be found on my website: www.noushabehbahanian.com under the resources section.
- The Business of the 21st Century by Robert T. Kiyosaki
- The Business School for People Who Like Helping People by Robert T. Kiyosaki
- Go Pro – 7 Steps To Becoming a Network Marketing Professional by Eric Worre
As you take the journey to create your vibrant, fulfilling life and make these shifts in your mindset, and ways of being, you are not alone. You can connect to our group of passionate women and men who are creating a beautiful, happy, fulfilling and freedom filled life. Reach out and receive support from our community of like minded people by joining our Facebook group: Our Vibrant Living Community.
I’m excited to be on this journey with you. The truth is you can design and create, a life you love regardless of your circumstances. If you or anyone you know is struggling with how to live a more vibrant, fulfilling life connect them to our blog and/or YouTube Channel, Vibrant Living with Nousha. Simply subscribe to our YouTube Channel and this way each Wednesday, a new show will appear in your show feed ready for you to enjoy and share with your friends, family and community.
Follow Nousha on social media @noushaslegacy on Instagram and Nousha Behbahanian on Facebook. Join Our Vibrant Living Community on Facebook.